Our team will help communities develop a project based on their needs and wants. We specialize in a variety of different fisheries projects and protocols such as;
- Fish Community Index Netting (FCIN)
- Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN)
- End of Spring Trap Netting (ESTN)
- Lake Sturgeon Juvenile Index Netting (LSJIN)
- Broadscale Monitoring (BsM)
- Electrofishing
- Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP)
- Riverine Index Netting (RIN)
- Juvenile Coregonids
- Creel Survey
- Commercial Catch Sampling
- Lake Sturgeon Assessments
- Habitat Assessments
- Spawning Assessments
The A/OFRC focuses on working in communities and capacity building. We, as an organization, encourage communities to engage their members to participate in our work as much as we can. For example;
- Educational workshops: Our team is able to provide a learning experience for all ages (i.e. classroom students, community members interested). In these types of workshops, we can teach basic fish identification, fisheries demonstrations with our equipment, learn about the different types of fisheries projects and where to implement those.
- Symposiums: Our organization has hosted symposiums in which we invite all communities that we work with to attend. The focus of the symposiums will vary between years and be hosted in different service regions within Ontario. In these symposiums we will bring in experts on the topics (i.e. Invasive Species, Lake Whitefish, Walleye, etc.) to discuss with participants and our staff. Information covered can include the biology, discussions on conservation, treaty rights, and the political nature of the topic at hand. Additionally, the A/OFRC will discuss results of projects, the types of projects and how to develop a project related to that topic.
- While working in the field, and if it is feasible, we encourage working with community members and having them join our team while we are working in the field. Our hope is to create interest and give first-hand experience in this field of work.

Although primarily we are a fisheries organization, we do have the capabilities to do other assessments for our service area. Our team is made up of people who have different skills in different areas other than fisheries work. The projects we are also able to complete for our clientele is:
- Turtle surveys
- Amphibian surveys
- Wild Rice Mapping
- Moose surveys